Privacy Policy

EIC recognizes that the personal information we receive from you is your valuable property, and in handling it, we will work hard to be worthy of your trust by protecting your privacy based on the following guidelines:


EIC recognizes that the personal information of our customers is information that they have entrusted to us of their own will for use for a specific purpose, and we are aware that it is an important management responsibility for us to keep such information secure and respect our customers’ intentions in utilizing it.

Based on such awareness, EIC has laid down a set of policies for the treatment of personal information to ensure that personal information received from customers is handled appropriately. They are as follows:

(Compliance with laws)
1. In handling personal information (defined as information that can identify a specific individual;
hereinafter defined as the same), EIC will abide by not only the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, but by all other ordinances regarding the protection of personal information, by the duties listed as part of the guidelines formulated by the relevant minister of state, and by the clauses of the policy stated below.

(Usage only within the limits of the intended purpose of use)
2. EIC will not use personal information outside the limits necessary for fulfilling the purpose of use stated beforehand, except in cases where the consent of our customers has been obtained in advance, or when authorized by the law.

(Obtaining personal information)
3. EIC will try to obtain personal information solely with the consent of the individual concerned by expressly specifying in advance the purpose of its use, the bounds within which the information will be shared with other parties, and contact information for inquiries etc. Please note that in some cases, we will record the details of customers’inquiries or transactions.

(Personal information of persons under the age of 18)
4. In cases where there is a possibility of EIC having to acquire personal information regarding persons under the age of 18, special consideration will be applied in handling such information, such as expressly specifying that such persons must take the permission of a guardian before supplying information.

(Safety Control Measures)
5. EIC will take necessary, appropriate safety control measures, or revise them as needed, based on the level of technology available at the current time, in order to keep personal information obtained from customers accurate and up to date for the purposes of its use; to prevent unauthorized access to such information, its leakage, alteration, loss, or falsification.

(Monitoring of agents)
6. EIC may, within the necessary limits for achieving the purpose of its use, entrust personal information obtained from clients to third parties.
These third parties will be selected after carefully verifying that they conform to sufficient personal information security standards, and will be bound by contracts, etc., to undergo essential and appropriate monitoring.

(Supplying personal information to third parties)
7. EIC will not supply personal information to third parties without the consent of the individual concerned, except in instances authorized by the law.
EIC also adopts the opt-out policy (clause 2 of article 23 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information), and if a customer so desires, will not supply that customer’s personal information to third parties.

(In response to customer opinions and consultations)
8. Customer opinions or inquiries regarding the disclosure, correction, discontinuation of use (for introducing products or services), deletion, and other manner of treatment of personal information will be dealt with appropriately by EIC based on legal provisions.

(Continuous improvement of in-house systems)
9. EIC will work continuously to strengthen and improve in-house systems, including the revision of this policy, in order to ensure the appropriate handling of personal information obtained from customers.
For this purpose, we will establish an administrator for the management of personal information, formulate internal regulations, train executive officers as well as staff, and implement appropriate internal audits.

All contents copyright (c) EIC Co,.Ltd. All rights reserved.